Take Off

Everything happens for a reason. That's what my friend advises me. My initial dismissal regarding this aleatoric element was proven unfounded at the end of the day. The corollary to the loss of something deserved is gaining a much more rewarding windfall. The recent documentary which I favor, "Asia's Most Deadliest Snakes" just proves how lucky I am. The scene of snakebites from India is horrifying especially a victim's leg that is still pitch black even after two months. These stealth assassins often wanders into homes and is very grumpy. I don't want to be right there.

The onset of my medical abecedarian life shall commence in less than a month period. Although this lucrative offer detracts from my original path, it has given me much more gratifying outcomes than I anticipated. Besides located in an asphalt jungle, it also houses many of my known mates, a theme park and a wonderful residence. The acme of this MBBS is the opportunity to complete my final year at Australia which is mandatory( if I can pass my MUFY first). Now, it's the time to take off.

My first prayer works miraculously. The heavenly impetus boosts my chutzpah exponentially. Thank You. My former hatred and gossamer idea of insurgency kaput at the instant of appearance of the coruscant light. No longer do I need to squat in the john to view the clement weather and stay away from the lee atmosphere while reminiscing about my reprise of meltdown. I just can't get enough of miracles.

My dogma towards the perpetrator is promiscuous right now. Should I be thankful for their largesse or the other cynical way? At least I am blithe at this point. I am now a humble neophyte to start my inaugural search for the accumulation of my repertoire of skills. I smile.

Silent Gazer.


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