
Every teardrop of heaven is a waterfall. The torrential tune of sorrow exuding from the depth of heaven is dampening and nondescript. The week-long guest in the form of heavenly blessing shower creates a moment of stillness, emptiness and coolness. A impeccable period to lick the wounds and pacify any unfavourable emotions.

The best way to conquer stress is to face our surreptitious fear. After hours of meditation, I can finally acknowledge my insecurity of fate. Perhaps my cowardice has led me to fear the lucky ones. The imminent hazard to be ostracized. The malevolent future of being the second class. Yes, my phobia has triggered my phantasmagoria into a monster.

Hope is the tenacious thread that I can hinge upon through any muddles. There was a novel which I read that pose a challenge to the journeymen that wish to enter the kingdom of bliss. When asked about the most prudential aspect of life, one answered," Love." He was turned away to ascertain another gate. The second one replied, " Hope." He was welcomed to be one of the inhabitants.

Hope Summers. The first mutant born after 90 percent of mutants are depowered. Has the ability to mimic movements and mutant powers at utmost capacity as well as potential host of Phoenix. Hope for X-men.

God is a funny entity. The sacrosanct being creates a detour for me. Maybe I am destined to be the next Kabuto or Mayuri. In the salad days, people rarely think of praying. We always have the tendency to seek reassurance during unquiet times. Nevertheless, I still do not like the idea of seeking help when we are in need because burdened the higher ups with sorrow is not in my favour. I just pray for Him to be happy.

Seriously, what is wrong with all the ancient-based dramas, especially the origins that encompass Hong Kong and Taiwanese? The poor cinematic effect have persisted for at least a decade and the setting is so cheap. One drama that I watch seem to have a green cloth draped all over the place to substitute as a mountain. The lighting seem to be overpowering. Some scenes which supposed to be at night seems to be brighter than our home in broad daylight and the candles are nowhere to be seen. All the projectiles and flying eagles have achieved the level to make their shadow disappear. Looks like the our society is much more underdeveloped than the ancient community in fiction.

This is how Black should celebrate her Friday.

Silent Gazer.


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