
New feeling: Awkward
First, let's picture a scenario. You are at a gathering. A friend of yours brought along a former friend of yours who have committed the deliberate act of ignoring you and some other guests after leaving primary school. Will you immediately try to get on his or her good side to rekindle the relationship or simply play the You-no-call-me-I-no-call-you game? This is the latest emotion added to my list : awkward.

New exposure: Seinen manga

Since I'm now officially 18, I am now eligible to read seinen manga which targets those from18 to 40 years old. Note that seinen is not hentai. I now understand why the underage are not supposed to approach this genre. This genre specially explores the worst side of humanity------- killing for fun, free sex, twisted logic, beastly desire and gross fantasy. I just read the summary and review of Beserk. Totally nauseating. It begins with an ominous note. The protagonist was born from a woman hanged at the Hanging Tree and supposedly survived the fall due to the pool of blood. And then, the story progressed with a maniacal tone with the primary female being raped by both good and bad including the main character. Just reading the review make my blood run cold. Perhaps my mind is not mature enough to accept these radical plot yet.

New recollection: Change of environment
We love to be in the familiar ambience. At times, a transition of environment may be better. I once have a classmate, A who is always ostracized, discriminated, nicknamed, belittled and teased by others. Shortly after the dropout to the other class, A assembled a large group of companions and become quite popular, though A never interacted with us. Being lonely doen't mean it's your fault like all those self-help book said. Maybe we just haven't discover the environment where our arrival is most needed.

New challenge: KPLSM interview
This interview is rumoured to be harder than JPA and Petronas. The first thing we do is taking an INSAK test which is psychology assessment (30 mins). Then, it's our group discussion about the Gerko thing. (20 mins) It was okay as there were only 3 of us, the quiet ones. So, we take turn to talk. From what I heard, the other group are all competing against each other to talk. TG.
We continue with individual interview. Since we chose Chinese, we have double - chinese and BMBI ( 30x2 mins ) . My expectation plummeted after having stomachache, sudden phone call and knocking over chairs during interview and blank mind when being asked about the latest education policy. With minimal expectation, It became quite relaxing.

New thought: Youth

We are young, we run free
Stay up late, we don’t sleep
Got our friends, got the night
We’ll be alright

Does youth means indulging in la dolce vita everyday, partying very night and indulging in alcohol and games? If that is so, I am wondering if I have become the member of old generation.
Should I start being reckless and participate in the real world entertainment and getting my self drunk and intoxicated. I wonder,

New band: Big Time Rush ( Personally, I think their voice outshine JB.)

New opening welcome new arc.

Fight soul society again!!!!!

Fire up.
Silent Gazer.


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