
The day has come. My pulse is abnormal. I am nothing but fidgeting all over the place. Only when my mum came to fetch me then I desisted. Since mine was scheduled to be eleven something, so I am ushered to go to Pustaka Negeri early. TWO HOURS EARLY. I am really surprised to see only a few people there. Thank God Allan is there. At least there is a spot of familiarity in the midst of unknown. And then, the worst part came. Due to the absence of several applicants, my name was pushed forward at the spot. That just means that my interview was TWO HOURS EARLY. Everything just rushed to my head and I can't think anymore. I just strolled along like broken puppet.

We are placed at a room with the other group which has interview at the same time. Someone gave us a briefing and ask us to keep everything secret as it will elevate others and endanger yourself. He even joked that this is the time to be selfish. Sice I has zero chance to get it anyway, I might as well spill it all out.

Course: Dentistry

Venue: Pustaka Negeri

Experience: There are five of us consisting of four girls and loser me. I was given the number five which I was grateful as I can now copy and paste others. The first one is a Malay girl (Abdillah) and others Chinese ( Batu Lintang, Sungai Tapang n one I forget). We are led to a room with three judges like American Idol. Of course, the first question greeted us is introduction. Name, school, family background, Gerko. At once, I was personally moonstruck and awestruck by the Malay girl. In addition to her fluency, she can even list all her posts, achievements form by form, the name of university and statistics as well. The other three are very prepared and not giving any sign of weakness. My introduction is very spontaneous, rush and unprepared. Three sentence nia. I even forget to name my Gerko as well. And all of them are either head of assistant head prefect.

Question 1 : ????? BM question. The first one agreed that insurance should be mandatory for everyone and she elaborate with peribahasa as well which immediately catch all the judges' attention. The second, third and fourth disagreed as they talked about Hak Memilih. The judge even asked her the same question again. My answer was exactly the same as my predecessor but very broken and rojak.

Question2 :????? Bi Question. It was unanimity that we nodded our head and provide reason to prove that kejayaan dalam kerjaya tidak tertakluk kepada akademik semata-mata. (translated). All did very well and one of us enquired to change course from medicine to nursing. The judges murmured among themselves that nursing is not supported. We just keep repeating the same point. When it's my turn, I just crap my way through centering around my adaptation idea. When I kept getting stuck, the lady judge asked me if I am like my description. I say yes. She just give a sympathetic look which made feel even more pathetic.

Quetion3 :????? Bi Question. The middle judge asked us to make a choice between gradual and immediate regarding the subsidization on the white sweet stuff. Everyone say gradual and suddenly the word adapt secure its place in all answers. Maybe I'm perasan. They really know their stuff and even give examples of the products and elaborate the the impact and health issues. I am once again tongue-tied.

Question4:???? Inspire much. Tell us a word the most insipring thing. The first one and me give a word respectively. The others gave a long explanation. Ouch, my impression plummeting downwards.

Rating: -1/10. I think I really suck since I'm always the one to give the shortest answer. The others have their streaming answer rolling and rolling out. A very intimidating sight as all of them are like giving out an important speech.

Advice: Try to reach there on time. But, not too early because there will always be a chance that your interview will be pushed forward. Stay polite and smile always. Even I have to keep my psycho self under control. Not comforting at all. Good luck for all.

Silent Gazer


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