Depressing week
Once again, we are accused of the following crimes:

Time sure flies. My primary school friend who sits besides me during tuition changes a lot. I am not even sure if he is the same person I knew. His height didn't increase a lot but there is something inside him that makes me feel uneasy. He is no longer the cheerful and happy-go-lucky boy. Instead, he often stares into faraway side. Although he still smiles a lot, one can easily tells that it shows no sincerity. His hostile eyes is a big giveaway. Though we are friends for many years, now, he seems to forget my presence. He always talked his matter to the other friend and followed his every advice. It's not that I was feeling jealous. It's just I was disgruntled by the fact that none of my words can penetrate his thick skull. He seems to ignore all my words. I always prepare to help him but he never ever tell me his problem. That just make me fell like the second-hand friend. If the other friend is not around, only then his attention is on me. Also, his behaviour changes drastically such as often sleeping in classes, punching his bag and simply do nothing at all. I tried to give him advice but he is living in his idealistic world of his. He claims that I was one of those common people who are chasing worldly matters. Finally, he said that I was responsible for the disaster that happened 2 years ago. The truth was bound to reveal anyways. His words was right : Friendship is like a candle flame that gives the warmth you always wanted but is extinguished by the sudden wind. That was the final straw.
From now on, I will no longer care about him anymore. Let him destroy himself. He has enough friends to assist him. I just hope that he will not regret this in the future. He was dead and gone in my life.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child,
I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
But when I became a man,
I put childish things away.
- Being too active in the class. ( On the contrary, some teachers are angered by the passive atmosphere in the class since there is no response to every question asked. This makes us even harder to please the teachers with their unpredictable taste)
- Being overly noisy. ( We have so much to talk about. Besides, if you happen to take a look in the staff room, you can easily see a few teachers taking non-stop though there is a mountain of students' work that was left unmarked. How hypocritical they are! When we talked after finishing our work, we are often scolded. Take a look during the teachers' meeting. There will be no surprise if some teachers happen to be chatting away.)
- Being arrogant. ( According to the charges, we seem to belittle the teachers. Let's see. Last year, we had had enough of the laziness, rushing, incomprehensible teaching, alien pronunciation and unfair marking based on favoritism and classes. It's no wonder we lose hope in some of the teachers. Some tuition sessions seem to play a major role in helping us to scrub through the year. Only those clever guys never have to go for tuition.)

Time sure flies. My primary school friend who sits besides me during tuition changes a lot. I am not even sure if he is the same person I knew. His height didn't increase a lot but there is something inside him that makes me feel uneasy. He is no longer the cheerful and happy-go-lucky boy. Instead, he often stares into faraway side. Although he still smiles a lot, one can easily tells that it shows no sincerity. His hostile eyes is a big giveaway. Though we are friends for many years, now, he seems to forget my presence. He always talked his matter to the other friend and followed his every advice. It's not that I was feeling jealous. It's just I was disgruntled by the fact that none of my words can penetrate his thick skull. He seems to ignore all my words. I always prepare to help him but he never ever tell me his problem. That just make me fell like the second-hand friend. If the other friend is not around, only then his attention is on me. Also, his behaviour changes drastically such as often sleeping in classes, punching his bag and simply do nothing at all. I tried to give him advice but he is living in his idealistic world of his. He claims that I was one of those common people who are chasing worldly matters. Finally, he said that I was responsible for the disaster that happened 2 years ago. The truth was bound to reveal anyways. His words was right : Friendship is like a candle flame that gives the warmth you always wanted but is extinguished by the sudden wind. That was the final straw.
From now on, I will no longer care about him anymore. Let him destroy himself. He has enough friends to assist him. I just hope that he will not regret this in the future. He was dead and gone in my life.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child,
I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
But when I became a man,
I put childish things away.
- l Corinthians 13: 11
I am no longer the helpless child that desperately opts for others' attention. I finally learn the ultimate lesson --- not to trust anyone. Betrayal is inevitable. XXX, I will hunt you down. I will make you pay for ruining my life.
Happen to meet another friend that left us last year. He is same as ever. Our school news sure travels fast. He is up-to-date with the latest news which is my worst memories. Still feel lucky to meet him.

My world is turning upside down. Those friendly become total coldness. Those I never want to be with become friendly towards me. Those total strangers suddenly talk to me. Am I under the effect of genjutsu? I think not. Maybe my eyes is blinded by the fakeness all this time. It's time to embrace the new and forget the past. Worst of all, a few friends have started to inherit my relatives' traits. Gosh! I can almost see their future. For this time, I hope my prediction does not come true.
The week sucks as ever. Akatsuki regains 5 former members thanks to Kabuto. The war is initiated.
I am no longer the helpless child that desperately opts for others' attention. I finally learn the ultimate lesson --- not to trust anyone. Betrayal is inevitable. XXX, I will hunt you down. I will make you pay for ruining my life.
Happen to meet another friend that left us last year. He is same as ever. Our school news sure travels fast. He is up-to-date with the latest news which is my worst memories. Still feel lucky to meet him.

My world is turning upside down. Those friendly become total coldness. Those I never want to be with become friendly towards me. Those total strangers suddenly talk to me. Am I under the effect of genjutsu? I think not. Maybe my eyes is blinded by the fakeness all this time. It's time to embrace the new and forget the past. Worst of all, a few friends have started to inherit my relatives' traits. Gosh! I can almost see their future. For this time, I hope my prediction does not come true.
The week sucks as ever. Akatsuki regains 5 former members thanks to Kabuto. The war is initiated.
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