" Demons exist. Ghosts exist. They live in our heart. Sometimes, they win"
Stephen King

Sometimes, I wonder if I have ever been normal. I can remember every single arguments, rude words or hurtful remarks given to me. Everyday, my mind formulates revenge and the level of brutality keeps increasing. Am I consumed by the demons of hatred?

The plan I planned for those who wronged me fail to be executed. When I decide to continue with the third stage, those people suddenly changed their behaviour. Is this the will of Him or it's just that my heart is too ready for forgiveness?

Once again, another bad figure is detected around us. Just beware if you meet this person because you will waste lots of saliva. Every time I ask him something, he always gives a cold look and just stare at me. Sometimes, he just ignore my questions. Believe me, he really have listened my words and just want to ignore me. You can just see it from the expression. I have to ask a thousand times before he is willing to give the answers angrily. And now, he always interrogates me about everything that I said to my friends as if it is his business anyway. Also, he seems to have a different view of life. He thinks that everything comes easily for him and life is a beautiful place. This really pisses me off because nothing comes easily for me.When I try to wake him up, he just dismiss me and said that only I need to endure the hardness of life. And then, the difficulties arrived, he play emo and need everyone to console him. Geez.



  1. why i always think that all the posts direct at me one???
    okay, i'll be not perasan.......
    not me not me not me not me


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