
The Kite Runner is a bildungsroman that details the peregrination of Amir from childhood towards adulthood. The protagonist becomes the impeccable juxtaposition of justice and injustice, the struggle of humanity to slalom along the continuum of the best and the worst. The battle to uphold justice has encroached upon the territories of the families, peers, countries and self. In his endeavour to obtain paean from Baba, the fatherly figure and the lodestar worshipped by many of the society in a small vicinity in Afghanistan, Amir has thread upon the cauldron that brews injustice by being a spectator to the ordeal of his servant, Hassan who is coerced into an anal sexual intercourse by Assef and the gang. The nebulous apparition of pride has led a desperate young child to treat a docile person as a guilty pleasure with the ramification of having a double life that honours brethren in private while hinting noli me tangere towards the closest person in the public. The desperate heart to glean fatherly love has created a monster that seeks to annul a 40 years bond for his own respite from the guilt by pushing the blame to a victim. The protagonist embodies a curate's egg, the prospective household gerent that has been embargoed by the family's blessing due to the congenital gift, whose envy and hatred have pushed him to towards a self-satisfactory torture of an obedient lamb. The dearth of love is terrifying.

The first week of school has been tuned into a much more relaxing pace after much tweaking of the timetable. Weaned from the accustomed faces, the maladroit of judging people mala fide stemmed from the past trauma has start to kick off. The end is coming. Giving up does not dovetail with the final showdown.

Silent Gazer.


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