
While some consider home is a place to solicit closure, I prefer to label it as a respite from ennui. Treading the earth and skimming the horizon, I still fail to notice any skyscraper that emerges from the rich soil abhorrent to the conurbation of the foreign land. The painstaking task of waiting the result disclosure yields much surprise when the outcome outreaches the expectation. Nob obstante, the registration is disappointing under the auspices of a very uncooperative modem that turns the whole preparation into a fiasco. I just wish for the best.

Our teacher used to told the cabal that their rainbow elements will fail any sense of solidarity. To mock us even further, another simulacrum comprised of motley component has acquired the power to stay as one. Looking left and right, there are always some people missing. Perhaps the much celebratory sentimental trait that is hailed long ago has been forsaken by the creators. Changes are inevitable but I have expected much better than a diaphanous concept that struggles to survive.

Practising schadenfreude transcends all in Mean Girls. Just as the new girl thought she has stepped into the New Jerusalem, the act of gossiping put a kibosh to the beautific face and brings out a whole new perdition. Slaloming between the continuum of blackmailing quasi criminal flair and highschool defamation, the girls managed to initiate an all-out war between the students. Cruelty runs through the veins. The moment of eclaircissement arises when everyone has and has been insulted. Exorbitant immersion into the ersatz personality can at times transfigure a person totally. The dearth of depth and the surfeit of superficiality should be included in the meditation before looking at others' weakness and let the minatory echo sounds louder.

The paradigm shift among the music lovers is indeed terrifying when the manisfesto is the genre that perpetuates world is no other than the superficial pop and dance psyche. Music embodies the thought of humans and people and changes the pathway for artists. Just see the stark difference between the now and then.



Silent Gazer


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