
This week is so fiendish. After flunking the relatively simple maths test that only suits the neophytes with variegated careless mistakes, I just ascertained that my gullible personality when interacting with the calculator is erroneous. And then the calamity continued with the total fiasco during the practical test. The end product which suffers from extreme overweight syndrome is just one of the exemplary instances in the concatenation of the unfortunate events. After enduring through the fate's draconian treatment, I am just gonna be taciturn for the weekend praying for the things to get easy by the flow of time.

Watching others having the predilection at their disposal to plunge themselves into la dolce vita is such a cruel slap on my face. When everyone attempted to jump onto the bandwagon of kiasu passion, the indefatigable approach in handling every matters encompassing either the habitual slumber at 4 or 6 in the morning or the enhancing of brain to achieve impeccable photographic memory enabling a user to chant all the facts like a melody can be very dumbfounding. The amalgamation of the absence of knowledge in performing research, the lack of any basis in advanced level education or college preparatory course and the devoid of the quick pace, appetite and acumen in academic study just pushed my nadir further down. People claim that studying in a overpowering entourage boosts one's strength. To me, the milieu just murders me bit by bit. I wonder if I will die young.

Having your tableau belied in this highly competitive region delineates the immediacy for a phantasmagoria. The never-ending phantasm, the peripheral intimacy and the omnipresent scaremonger tainted the sacrosanct principles that should be the silver lining in the importunate turmoil that engulfs the region. Stress exists in affluence. And I am the first and the sole person defeated by the challenges set ahead. The happiness which is the appurtenance of apocryphal era can only be achieved by kowtowing to the supreme commander. Such inopportune times. Lets set fire to the rain.

The latterly hobnobbing with other familiars yields absolute magnitude of interest. Salacious allurement that pushes one to to gall through every voyage is such a no-no to the extent that some have chosen to practise abstemious diet and repast at times. The bounded freedom is such a paradox. Freedom, I just want you back.

Silent Gazer.


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