

Pressure! Pressure! Pressure! The tiny pebble that sits upon my chest has experienced exponential growth to a rock with shocking size. Further exploration of my peers is so disheartening for me. Super bananas and coconuts are in abundance and their unlimited potential is their ultimate killing strike. The portentous congregation of insane level prodigies are murdering my slowly with their presence. Apart from being world-class debaters and possessing impeccable articulation, most of them have amassed vast study experience from their former A-level courses locally or internationally ( via ASEAN scholarship) besides being blessed with their street-smart sense, proficient critical thinking, intellectual prowess, fastest downloading ability and gargantuan repertoire of real life experience. ( Suburb residents like me looked so tiny besides them.) At times, I wonder if they are clones of Sylar as all of them are gifted with intuitive aptitude. Hello, super humans!


The arrival of international students spices up the college in one way or the other. There was a proliferation of hot chicks and hunks all over the place which I pretty sure Angel will be mesmerized all the time. Speaking of the devil, I discovered a reincarnation of Angel here as well. She is the prototype of overly energetic model. The rendezvous point of everyone has now been converged to library with the loads of homework, assignments and print-to-be notes piling up. This time, I cannot lose.


Lately, I have picked up the habit of procrastination. The lethargic spirit habituates my soul. Yeah, the worst practice that a scholar can develop. My ultrakiasu spirit is undermined by the lack of syllabus laid out in front of me as the lecturers select some from a few chapters for teaching, assign us to read a little for details and discard others. Right now, I am perplexed by the blurring line that sequesters gossamer details and the prudential gist. Any further revision would be a futile endeavour if the part we read is not even encompassed by the exam. My stagnant academic revision is worrisome especially with my current physics which revolves around Form 4 Physics ( a complete nightmare ). God gave me you, so I just have to treasure you, Physics.


Just a few days ago, four of us take a commuter to Bandar Tasik Selatan. The stations looked so weary, shabby and disfigured except for the Kl Sentral. In fact, the whole itinerary is swathed with MB spirit. Imagine a pole can accommodate ten people's hand and there is still available space for pole-dancing. I am even more openmouthed by the material used to construct the commuter as it outlines the principle of maximizing the limited resources since it is overloaded at daily basis. This should have proven that our public transport outmatches those at western countries in terms of the strength. Definitely MB.

The acme of our very interesting trip resurfaces when we got conned by a taxi driver on our way to Sunway Pyramid. Perhaps I am too suburb-looking. The worst thing that can occur during the confrontation with evil is the fact that we cannot retaliate although we acknowledge ourselves of being victimized. Though the idea to lynch the maniac is tempting, we decide to abide by his desire and play safe. To deter his TRUE COLOUR from unfolding, we resort to portray the extreme state of poverty which haunts the impoverished students like us. SO DAMN PISSED OFF. The aftermath is depressing. One loses his bottle and another just realises that he left the thumbdrive in the library. The panorama of skyscrapers in asphalt jungle serves the strongest and devours the weak.


My morbid interest of anime addiction has taken its toll on me as I was deemed too childish by everyone. I also have no pal that fraternizes with any Kpop or Jpop and even my English pop song taste is on different wavelengths and frequencies with my other roommates. They appear to be much more immersed in Disney themes and those songs that exemplifies vocals , beats, moods and tones. For me, it's just popularity rules all. Notwithstanding, those songs are really appealing to me. What if I nurture my sentimental side through the purity of their melody and has my sadists side cleansed?

Silent Gazer


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