
Harshness is with me before the dawn of my maturity.

My first encounter with him is in a common classroom during primary years. As if to commemorate the recent fight between my parents, my ( now deceased ) teacher passed us a rhetoric question the following day. " Children are the most common cause for the parental squabbles, isn't it ? " Most reproachfully. For a mere eight-year-old to know that he is the doom-bringer to the family, this is certainly hard to accept. The prick will be with me till the world ends.

A temporary teacher locked me in silence since a young age. As a repercussion for succumbing to the riot of the class, she proposed her judgment which means caning every single student to wipe out the racket. The major contributors excused themselves to the toilet and returned after her period. This shuts me up for the rest of schoolhood. Striking hard and good, escaping everything is possible with slyness and wit, albeit guilty. The raging wrath stay me with me till this day.

As time passes, I am coming closer to knock on the Death's door leading to my ultimate home, the nothingness.

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
tell the World that I'm coming

Silent Gazer.


  1. Hey Friend,
    Sounds Nostalgic huh??
    Anyway, i want you to know that i'm always around for you, a phone call away. haha. =)


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