
Everybody becomes a loner at some point. Beneath the sociable self, there is always a realm of privacy where every company is cut off from the precious moments that is only for oneself. Only a person is allowed in the sovereign country alone reminiscing the past and present besides cherishing the secrets guarded from others. One let all things start without you upon deciding to settle down for a moment of tranquility.

Reading manga is all I do all this time. But, dwindling number of free scans is no helping matter. The site I am currently visiting is not being maintained properly. Not only it is often crushed, the pages are always unable to load and flipping to next page and then back to the intended page is essential to get the page to load. Now, to get "in-date" with one manga requires me at least six weeks. Kekkaishi, which has only three hundred plus chapters, needs five weeks for me to finish dating back to December.

The reality show are just so dramatic. Personally, I think that The Real Housewives of New Jersey are even more melodramatic than the Desperate Housewives. Teenage renegade that chooses to stay with her friends and comes home for laundry only, long time feud, concatenation of confrontation, Facebook wars, lawsuit and hostility just to name a few. Paris Hilton's BFF programme is definitely mouth-dropping. All the participants are at times to wear high heels, dress and skirts, groom dolls, stay in jail, extract secrets and perform in front of her ( yes, even the male participants are required to do so. ) What the Hell! I don't know there are so much requirements to be a friend.

Recently, I just lost a fair amount of money. Money is the core of my life. Losing it is like losing a part of myself. For me, money is impeccable rocketeer that pushes any obstacles away for me.

Gna's comeback.

Silent Gazer.


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