The torment of this week is unbearable. Revising so much yet everything still seem to be alien language, strange syllables and unknown diagrams plus another grave mistake are sure to guarantee a fail. Another bad news for my abysmal result. Perhaps it's time to pray for any blessing.
The weather is no helping matter. It's all cloudy and depressing. Much like the Kurosutchi's universe where the weather is monotonously dark.
Looks like Rick Riordan is going to wow us again with the second season of the Olympus series.

Let's be burnt by Kara's return.
Silent Gazer
The weather is no helping matter. It's all cloudy and depressing. Much like the Kurosutchi's universe where the weather is monotonously dark.
Looks like Rick Riordan is going to wow us again with the second season of the Olympus series.

Let's be burnt by Kara's return.
Silent Gazer
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