
Luck plays a vital role in our life though many still think everything is within their grasp and scoff at its insignificance.

Just think about this, how are we are born anyway? Spermatozoa fight over one another to fertilize the ovum to create us. It must have been our luck that our parents are not infertile to allow us to take our baby steps in this ever-changing world. To be brought to the surface of the earth is after all the beginning of everything.

We should considered ourselves lucky to have a loving parents. If luck is not on our sides, we would have been the ones included in the one of those scenarios depicted in the "Kami Prihatin" posters. Providing guidance, money, shelter, food, education, cars, clothes, gadgets, wealth and others just reminds us the abundant luck that we possessed to earn the love, care and sacrifice from our parents. Luck is one important factor that we did not have to endure the plight of perennial drunkard, murderous and abusive parents.

School life is the time to test our luck. If you are not one of those stout people who can play cool to any negative comments, you are lucky not to be in one of those scandalous school in Manhattan which is the main attraction in Gossip Girl. For not encountering one of those teachers who favours one but tortures others, stroke your luck token now. Meeting friends that accept who you really are and do not betray you besides having no traumatic experience of being bullied, count yourself honoured for the luck bestowed upon you.

When we start being attreacted to the opposite pole ( or the same pole ) of the magnet, we must have our luck at the highest mark to have the other return the love as well. Otherwise, we will wait until all the flowers have wilted to wait for the call that never come. And, at that time, if things come to the worst we shout to ourselves until we lose our hearing and voice (in extreme cases, life and become the imprint of soul who savoured the fun to wear long wigs and white clothes to haunt the innocents) to consider the the fact "why she or he would not answer my call."

Don't you think is lucky to live in this era where we have computers, TV, mobile phones, online games, 3D movies and radios? Imagine putting yourselves two thousand years ago where the only entertainment is to watch the moon and candles to obtain inspiration for our poems. Of course, there is also another activity in the past that bring forth so much children in the family. I do count my self lucky to enjoy the all-so-marvellous ice creams. sushi, potatoes. fast food, cakes and chocolates. What about you?

People blamed their genotypes for their physical statures. Well, being short means you have less chance to be noticed when you are being held hostage. Being tall means you have a higher chance to be seen as a threat and be trampled upon. Being fat means you can easily body slam anyone you disliked. Being thin means you can eat anything without considering your weight. Being muscular means you have a high chance to be the top menu if you are stranded in the wild.

Ways to increase your luck:
  • buy a four-leaved clover
  • ask for a few tips from Harry Potter to brew Felix Felics

  • borrow the luck experiment from Lilo

Another paragon of the luck figures------ the stars

Be careful, managers


These artists live in their own world.

Here's a glimpse of latest Naruto's film planned to be released in 2011.

Silent Gazer


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