
How do you define your friends?

A guardian angel on your shoulder, a faithful companion, a great helper, a sibling that u wish to replace the one u have, a servant ( or slave), another object to be manipulated, the one that understand the most, a person that can read your mind


A backstabber ( it's common), a unstoppable radio, a plaster( beware, he or she maybe is a stalker), a rival that presses on your mind, a person that has unconventional intimate relationship with u ( wad r u thinkin ? u should be ashamed of yourself for thinkin slantingly)

Wadever u call them, they still play a major part in changing your life in a good or bad way.

BFF. This has started to become myth. Some friends has an uncanny ability to view another person invisible, tamper with their memory or turn their ears temporarily deaf. If u see this type of person, don bother with them. Juz use back their tactics against them. u deserve better. I secretly wonder my best friend in primary school still remembers me.

Scenarios of friends-turn-enemies is common. Beware of your words as they can be a deadly weapon to crush someone's tender litter heart ( some people are juz so weak in their hearts). A friend indeed is a friend in need. Don't hide ur weakness. it's one part of you.

" To be strong, u must know your own weakness and have a feeling of kindness in your heart"
Erza Scarlet the Titania

Show your weakness so that they can symphatize with you.(or u can use it to your own use to get advantage from them. After all. some are just easy to be fooled)


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