Overwhelming tension

Exams are just a few days away. Homework just keeps pouring in and stacking. Some teachers has already given holiday homework( I must remember to copy the homework from others after school reopens) Revision is just 1percent completed. I have yet to keep everything in mind for 3 secs. I am now relying on cheating to get the answers. But some people are just so good in protecting their answers. Adding to the pressure, my new neighbour brought in four cute little dogs that seem to have enormous sound mechanism. Sometimes, I think of torturing them to silence them. I was never an animal lover, snakes maybe. No, I do not idolize Orochimaru. Flipping through the pages reminds me of some teachers. I know it is embarrassing. I still can't quite forget some past teachers who rush through the syllabus like there is no tomorrow, leaving all of us perplexed by the speed of "light" explanation. Now, many classmates cannot understand what the chapter is about. And then, there was one ...