
You see yourself in the mirror. A singular entity showing your every outward appearance without any concealment. And then, the mirror shatters breaking into million of pieces reflecting your image in a thousand places. It shows a million type of emotion that cannot be shown by the completion but instead by the separation. Exams are nearing. Revision is devastating. Books are intimidating. Time is running short. Intelligence is dwindling. Memory card overload. Inspiration empty. Understanding zero. Insurance for a passable result negative infinity. Frustration proliferates. Corresponding to one of us who has misconception about the word "Armour" Heavens Wheel Armour Black Wing Armour Flame Empress Armour The Giant's Armour Adamantine Armour Purgatory Armour Lightning Emperor Armour Flight Armour Robe of Yuen Morning Star Armour Armadura Fairy Armour In the olden days, a broken-heart man cried out, Oh, my goddess Please don't go away. What if..... You stay with me..... ...