So hungry, let's quench the hunger at the restaurant. A CHINESE BREAKFAST would be nice. It's noon. Spicy KOREAN CUISINE is a good choice. Taste a ENGLISH EVENING TEA . Have a JAPANESE DINNER with Bleach. Try a GAMING SUPPER WITH Assassin Creed. Run, Lorenzic Anarchism
Showing posts from June, 2010
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" Fresh fish is delicious even no spices are added. Only rotten fish requires salt, sugar and vinegar to be eaten" Wild life with parties and non-stop surprises are the choices of many nowadays. On the other hand, bland and peaceful life are a no-no for almost all. Nevertheless, as the age grows older, those who have chosen the former start to regret the choice that they had made in the past. At that time, everything is too late. One can turn back no longer. Looks play a significant role in modern life. Liposuction, plastic surgery, nose repairing and other beauty treatment are the common trend. No matter how much emphasis is stressed on the external beauty, one cannot change the gaze in the eyes that shows a sense of ancient and experience. Many divas are like old souls trapped in a young bodies. Powerful and almost unbeatable villains in various manga : 1) ESPADA 2) AKATSUKI 3) CP9 4) ORACION SEIS 5) HOMONCULUS Past, I wish to meet him later so that I can have a longer tim...
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If you happen to go to school these couple days, you will be able to witness the full training of the school band. School band has its advantages. For one, it provides free gym sessions. Members lift 4 chairs stacked together up and down instead of the weight. Secondly, it provides a lovely stroll. People run on the whole fleet of staircase to sip in the fresh air. Thirdly, you can get a beauty treatment and tan your skin in 5 hours of strong sunlight. No more trip to the expensive beauty centre. OUGI! OUGI! OUGI! Degraded : Sakura, Tsunade, Guy Pain's ougi requires much more improvement. It doesn't show much of his deadliness. Looks like I misjudge another one. I used to think that he is the most loyal person. It seems that I was wrong. After combing through all the bookshops, I finally acquire one of the Olympian series : Titan's Curse. Thank goodness. I can finally see the modern side of the Olympians. Poseidon wers Hawaiian shirt and sandles. Hermes always checks his m...
Ironic tales
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Hobey-Ho! I really need someone to help me out now. BUT, one is consumed by rage, the other is burdened by tonnes by pressure. The third races for popularity and another is the third's "Yes" man. As for the females, they are REALLY terrifying but they are hot ( I was forced to say this to postpone my death sentence). I really need to make a smart choice. Sometimes, I find that talking to some friendly classmates is way easier to talk with the so-called friends. At least, they are willing to mingle with me rather than asking me to bow down to them to ask them to utter a word. Such ironic. In this damn holidays, I have to busy myself with learning how to drive. Whats more, I am such a slow-learner. Aside from nearly thrashing several pedestrians, hitting bumpers all the time, almost flying over a cliff, having a close shave in crashing into a car, everything seems to be quite OK. I know this is a lazy post but I really had nothin to express. Wondering, Lorenzic Anarchism P....