
Patient people are not morons. They are just being cruel to themselves. When Their heart are consumed by the cruelty, then their wrath with the magnitude of a volcanic eruption will descend on all those around them regardless of their innocence. Whispering is an act that brings disaster and deadly to those who do it. It invokes suspicion and dilutes the solution of any connection. I truly hate this act. When someone does this, I just have the urge to exterminate that person. Looks like a someone has her prediction correct. She has lifted the jinx. A big congrats to Lee Dewyze, The American Idol of 2010. Love is like the four seasons. SPRING It is the time when the seeds of affection starts to bloom. Lovers begin to peek the world of the betrothed from the hidden soil. It is a period of doubt and and worry. The person starts to absorb sunlight and improve one's appearance to be the only tree that shelters the loved one. The weather is temperate with scent of slight embarrassment. Ev...